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"X-PRESS PEARL" freighter exploded
  2021/05/26| View:697

     We just saw in the international news that the "X-PRESS PEARL" cargo plane exploded during transportation. It is reported that On May 25, a container fire explosion occurred on the container ship "X-PRESS PEARL". Due to the leakage of chemical substances in the ship, the fire became more and more violent. According to reports, this Singapore-registered container ship with the dock "X-PRESS PEARL" departed from Hazira Port in India on the 15th and issued a fire alarm when it reached the anchorage about 9.5 nautical miles northwest of the Port of Colombo on the 20th. There are 1,486 containers on board, including 25 tons of nitric acid and some other chemicals and cosmetics.

     This year is destined to be an extraordinary year for all countries in the world, especially for world peace and stability. Of course, the international trade import and export industry is undoubtedly the biggest hit among all walks of life. For example, rising commodity costs and soaring international transportation costs have brought us a huge blow.

     Coupled with the occurrence of this incident, shipping costs may rise again. This is a worrying thing. Fortunately, our domestic government has made it clear that it wants to control the rapid price increase in the steel industry and requires The price must be within a reasonable control range.


Immediately, the demand for agricultural machinery products on the market is about to usher in the peak season, so we suggest that it may be a good time for purchase orders.

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