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New York gold market rises and drops suddenly and sharply
  2014/12/05| View:1422

  From this week, the New York gold market (1205.80, 2.90, 0.24%) riseand dropsuddenly and sharply in a single day. The main reason of this short-term surge after sudden plunge is that Switzerland referendums had bad out. Look to the future market, the dollar index is expected to be a continuous  long bull run, the driven index of gold market be partial neutral, and the gold prices be weak oscillation in a mass.

  Last Sunday, the closely-watched referendum of Swiss gold went through, failed with 22.7% approval and 77.3% opposition. Although the referendum was unlikely to pass, it still caused a short-term sharp decline of gold price when the result was announced. This Monday, the gold price opened with the gap lower, then appeared huge rally led by the rising price of crude oil (67.72, 0.34, 0.50%) and back to the $1200/ounce mark. Negative cash is the main reason for short-term rebound of gold price. As the commodity trend indicator, the crude oil price is still at the low end, and the sharp rebound of gold price lacks of the cooperation of weaker dollar or any other plus factors. Therefore, such rebound cannot last long.

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